Lesson Plan 1
Essential Questions- How can we make new students feel more welcome at our school?
Healthful Living K-4-K.ICR.1 Understand healthy and effective interpersonal communication and relationships.
Guidance Early Emergent -EEE.SE.2 Understand the relationship between self and others in the broader world.
“Bea’s First Day Jitters” by Emily Kornegay
Softback or Google doc or website link
The Name Jar by Yangsook Choi. The Name Jar is a story about Korean immigrant Unhei’s first few days at school. A wonderful story about difference and about reaching out to the new kid at school.
Video link within lesson plan.
SmartBoard (utilizing video resource)
Be the One Who…
Kids play, socialize and laugh together at recess, but they can also feel lonely or experience bullying, especially if they are new to a school. “Wanted: Playground Buddy” introduces one way to make recess friendlier and more inclusive: a “Be the One” buddy bench.
1. What can be done to make every student feel included on the playground and during recess?
2. How can the “Be One” Buddy Bench help students include others and have fun on the playground and during recess?
3. How can we help new students feel welcomed at our school?
Expected Outcomes
The students will understand what the “Be One” Bench is for and utilize it appropriately. Students will become spotters and become more aware of others and their feelings.
Anticipatory Set
Teacher input-“Raise your hand if you’ve ever been new at a school”
“How did it make you feel”(student responses)
“Did you worry about have someone to play with at recess?”(student responses)
Lesson Presentation
Meadow Lane is a very special school because we have so many students whose parents are in the military. That may mean that they move a lot. Now, that can be a great thing because they get to see lots of new places. That also means they have to make new friends when they move. They also leave behind good friends. This can be hard, especially during lunch or recess. Would it make you feel better if you knew that Meadow Lane students can “Be The One that makes a difference?” You always want to “Be the One that smiles first.” Be the one that says hello.” “Be the One that is the reason someone else smiles.”
Let’s read a story about how “Bea” the dragon felt on her first day at a new school.
Read “Bea’s First Day Jitters” by Emily F. Kornegay or use Google docs shared online book of the same name.
Reflection questions about the book-
· How did Bea feel on her first day at her new school?
· What was she most worried about?
· Did she use the “Be One” Buddy Bench?
· What was the spotters job?
· How do you think the students felt after including Bea in their recess?
Let’s watch a video about another school that uses the “Buddy Bench” system.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PVaJtnTTV_I (ctrl + click)
Closure Assessment-
Teacher input/student response- “Let’s see how if you can tell me what YOU would do if this happened to you.”
SCENARIO a-You are playing on your own and you see a boy from your class sitting on the Buddy Bench. He’s crying. What would you do? (student responses)
SCENARIO b-You and your friends are playing and you see that a student who is new to the school is sitting on the Buddy Bench. Your friends don’t want to play with him. What would you do? (student responses)
SCENARIO c-You are new at the school and don’t have many friends yet. So you sit on the Buddy Bench. What would you do? (student responses)
SCENARIO d-You got in a disagreement with your best friend during lunch and now she won’t play with you. You sit on the Buddy Bench. What would you do? (student responses)
SCENARIO e :You’re very shy and don’t like asking other kids to play, so you sit on the Buddy Bench. What would you do? (student responses)
When you sit on the “Be One” Buddy Bench -
o “Before you sit on the Buddy Bench, think of something you would like to do. Ask someone else to play with you.”
o “The bench isn’t for socializing. Only sit there if you can’t find anyone to play with.”
o “While you’re sitting on the bench, look around for a game you can join.”
o “If you see something you want to do or a friend you want to talk to, get off the bench!”
o “If you’re sitting on the bench, play with the first classmate who invites you.”
When you see someone sitting on the Buddy Bench you are a Spotter!
o Start by saying hello. If you don’t know the person, introduce yourself.
o Make conversation. What’s up? How are you? I like your shoes.
o Ask them to play with you or suggest an activity you can do together.
o Don’t make it the last time you hang out. Keep playing with your new friend
Lesson Plan 2
Essential Questions-Can friends argue or disagree and still be friends?
Healthful Living K-4-K.ICR.1 Understand healthy and effective interpersonal communication and relationships.
Guidance Early Emergent -EEE.SE.2 Understand the relationship between self and others in the broader world.
Best Friends for Frances by Russell Hoban. In Best Friends for Frances, Frances is left out by her good friend Albert. In retribution, she decides to befriend her sister and go on a no boys outing. In the end, the friends decide that they will not leave each other out in the future.
Video link within lesson plan.
SmartBoard (utilizing video resource)
Be the One Who…
Says “I’m sorry first” or “Forgive me”. Friends are very special people. You can enjoy doing many things with your friends. But friends do not have to act, feel or enjoy exactly the same things. If you had a friend who liked EVERYTHING that you did, that wouldn’t be much fun and you’d never learn or try anything new. Differences among friends is good. But differences can sometimes lead to misunderstandings, arguments and hurt feelings.
1. If you and a friend disagree once in a while, does that mean you should not be friends?
2. How can the “Be One” Buddy Bench help students solve their differences?
Expected Outcomes
The students will understand what the “Be One” Bench is for and utilize it appropriately. Students will use the bench as a safe space for talking about their feelings and working out their problems.
Anticipatory Set
Teacher input-“Have you ever had a friend who liked different foods” “Have you ever had a friend who liked scary movies even if they weren’t your favorite”? Have you ever had a disagreement with a friend?
“How did it make you feel”(student responses)
“Did ever figure out a way to solve your disagreements?”(student responses)
Lesson Presentation
Have you ever had a fight, argument or disagreement good friend ? Student responses. How did you “fix” your problem?
Read Best Friends for Frances by Russell Hoban.
Reflection questions about the book-
· How did Frances feel when she was left out of the game?
· What was she most worried about?
· What did this story tell us about friendships with our brothers and sisters?
Let’s watch a video about another school that uses the “Buddy Bench” system.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PVaJtnTTV_I (ctrl + click)
When you sit on the “Be One” Buddy Bench for friendship problems-When you feelings are hurt by a friend, you can invite them to sit on the bench and talk. Use “I feel” statements not “You do” statements.
Invite them to the bench
“Use “I” statements and tell your friend how you are feeling. Ie. “I don’t like it when you call me ‘Lame”.
Don’t interrupt when it’s your friends turn to talk.
Really LISTEN to your friend.
Tell your friend what they said in your own words (Restate)
Apologize to each other.
Go play!
Closure Assessment-
Teacher input/student response- “Let’s see how if you can tell me what YOU would do if this happened to you.”
SCENARIO a-What would you do if your friend said something about your art work that hurt your feelings?you (student responses)
SCENARIO b-You and your friends want to play football but your best friend wants to run laps. Describe a solution.
SCENARIO c-You got in a disagreement with your best friend during lunch and now she won’t play with you. You sit on the Buddy Bench. What would you do?